Sunday, January 31, 2010


Just a 25 minute ferry ride from Tahiti, Moorea is a relaxing "weekend getaway" location for Tahitians, it could almost be considered to be an extension of the island of Tahiti.

Moorea means "yellow lizard" in Tahitian.

A fantastic artistic exchange on Moorea with Gilles Leguen and Maite Bouchard, both very kind and talented

Working with Gilles on a monumental made of driftwood and broken coral.

Works by Gilles LeGuen.

Abstract work by "Mineral" Maité Bouchard

We simply loved her company- her minerals-her tea&ginger- and of course her fantastic abstract works!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Tiki's are ancient stone carvings preserved in Polynesia and Easter Island, they often serve to mark the boundaries of sacred or significant sites. Tiʻi refers to the legend of the first man, is made from red earth and associated with the origin of the procreative act.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Approach Tahiti Int. Airport Faa'a, a few days organising at the Fare Suisse Guesthouse, meeting lots of kind people, amongst others Seremaia Tuqiri, Fisheries Policy Officer -WWF South Pacific.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Travelling with a backpack

Backpacking through the vaste territory of French Polynesia starting at Tahiti, to Huahine, Bora Bora, Raiatea, Maupiti, Rangiroa and Fakarava.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Maeva Tahiti!

In Māori mythology, Ika-tere or Ikatere is a fish god, the father of all the sea creatures including mermaids.On my way !

Polynesian waters are inhabited by 800 fish species shared between the lagoon, the reef and the ocean. The clown-fish which lives in symbiosis with anemones, the picasso triggerfish, the yellow Moorish idol, the emperor angelfish which fantastic colours have made the reputation of South-sea islands. The most spectacular and famous member of the family is the giant Manta Ray that has a wingspan up to 7.5m across, but of course grey shark, the tiger shark or the large hammerhead shark, 20 dolphins and whales species,the green turtle that can reach up to 1.5m and 230kg weight.